Healthy Living

BACKGROUND:  The Whole30 Program was created by nutritionists, Melissa and Dallas Hartwig.  The Hartwigs say the program is not a “diet”, but a short-term nutritional reset that eliminates several food groups that may adversely affect the body, giving the body time to heal.  After 30 day of clean eating, the off-limit foods are slowly reintroduced , one at a time to see if anything triggers a reaction.  For more information, please google Whole30 Program.   Over the last few years, people have participate in the Whole30 Program and I even had a couple friends who challenged themselves to Whole30.  They are why I am somewhat familiar with the idea.  My time is now and I am ready to take on the challenge.  I won’t be doing it the way the Hartwigs are prescribing, but there are a few food groups like dairy and grains that I would like to cut out for 30+.days.  Meaning these habits of saying “no” will stay with me past 30 days and become part of the healthy lifestyle I desire.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Day 2:  Since it’s day two, the short synopsis of yesterday, is, I made it through the day, making healthy eating choices.  The thoughts in my mind did want to sway me some.  The mind is a crazy-making machine.  I did make it through late night TV without wavering from the challenge.  (my personal program, will be shared over time, in the following entry’s)

I woke up this morning feeling energized.  A relatively good day.  I spent 3/4 of it in the kitchen, making a kale/cannellini bean soup, cassiva (a root) flour based chips, a root vegetable lasagna and roasted radished (the first time).  It’s is late and I am calling today a win.  This known to be “fudger” is not going to fudge….even with pizza in the frig.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Day 3:  I have decided that to embark on a 30+ day journey like this being prepared is going to be important to be successful.  I can tell that it is going to be detrimental for me to plan ahead and have vegetables in the frig and steamed veggy’s ready for a snack or dinner.  This will take time and effort, and a slightly different,”think ahead” mind set.  Let’s hope by the end of this week, into the weekend, the momentum stays.  (having soup prepared for the week will be helpful – even in the summer time……)

Tonight, I unexpectedly went out to dinner with friends to a Mexican restaurant.  Delightfully I can say I ate no corn chips and ordered the taco salad without meat, (no refried bean substitute either) sour cream, cheese and no taco shell.  I certainly was the “odd ball” at the table, as everyone else ate their enchilada dinner’s complete with rice and beans.  It felt “good”….empowering to hold true to myself and a commitment to this 30+ challenge.  (it also helps that I know I would be blogging later about my day….its seems that this blog is a tool to help me stay accountable.  At least for today.  ( :    )

Monday, August 5, 2019 

Day 4:  I found out today my sister is on board with the 30+ day challenge.  (her personal 30 day challenge) Yay!!!  She is excited like I am.  It will be great to share our peaks and valleys with one another.  We are both looking forward to incorporating positive changes and habits in our lives, not just for these 30 days, but beyond.  I like the baby step approach… day and one step at a time.

For dinner this evening I had the cassiva chips (Actually, these turned out to be more like pita chips or a really thin pizza crust……they are working great for me!  I will make more)  topped with the root vegetable lasagna and steamd asparagus.  (all previously prepared….this is going to be key for me)  It was “yummy” and filling.  No yearning’s for “more”, like chips or some other kind of snack.  (an old pattern)  I still am feeling very full from dinner.  I did have a grapefruit as a dessert, about two hours after dinner.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Day 5:  All went well today.

Here is my challenge plan:

NO Lamb, Pork or Beef

NO Dairy

No Grains

No purchasing of a bag of chips (cheetos, potato chips, beanitos – if I can actually do this for 30 days….I have been hughly successful!…those chips are a vice)

Seafood – ideally wild caught

Chicken – minimal (once a week or less)

Sugar – stevia and honey are okay…..all others off limits                                                ( I would like to make an exception….. to eat a pint of coconut                         ice cream each week which would include a sugar other than                       stevia & honey).

Chocolate candy – 70% cacao or more

Nuts & seeds – minimal

Oils – avocado, olive, coconut oil

All veggy’s and fruits that I want……….

This is the plan………

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Day 6:  Today, I went into Whole Foods for a work errand.  When I was there I wanted to purchase a wonderful, fairly healthy, zucchini muffin, because, in the past, that is what I do.  Either intentionally going there to buy a muffin for a morning meal, or when grocery shopping work, its a way to “treat” me.  I am happy to say, although the urge was there, and a muffin was waiting to be purchased, I passed on the option.    Staying true to the challenge.  ( a definite win)   Here another topic to explore………food as a “treat”.   Not now, another time.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Day 7:  YAY!!!!  I have made it a week.   The eating and food choices have been fairly easy.  Interestingly, my mind is not filled with “food” concerns.  Like what am I going to eat…..or what do I “feel” like eating.  It’s more like, look and see what veggy’s I have available and go from there.  Since many foods are “off limits”, there are less choices and “Less choices” are kinda liberating!  Is it something I really could get used to?   It is an option among many options……….

The Friday night pattern:  In the past, Friday’s is the veg-out and a night for  movies, TV & late night Big Bang Theory and, with all the TV watching  snacking, grazing on anything from popcorn, dry cereal to shoestring potatoes are part of the habit of the evening.  It’s definitely unconscious…..a “something to do” cause, I am not sure I am really hungry.  Hopefully that patterns is in the process of breaking.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Day 9:  Spent the day on a catamaran enjoying the water, waves and sunshine rays.  By the time my husband & I got home, I was spent.  These are the moments when something fast, easy, available are the option I would go for….like Wendy’s, Burger King etc.   I was tempted as that is what my husband opted for.  I almost did….it so easy….it’s there….he bought an extra chicken sandwich……which, I decided NOT to eat.  It’s a surprise…..cause in my mind, it wouldn’t be a “big deal”.  I did however, give in to the french fries.  Still not on my plan, as the oil used to fry them was not coconut, olive or avocado oil.   Then it was bedtime…….I could have chosen to eat nothing….next time I just might.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Day 10:  I had a good day.  Was wanting an evening “snack”.  I got out Dr. Steven Gundry, Plant Paradox cookbook, and after assessing the food I had on hand and recipe options, I opted to make Broccoli Puffs.  A good finger food & evening snack using steamed broccoli as the base.  I am impressed with myself that I took time to make and bake this recipe.  When the mind is in the “right” place all actions seem to follow.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Day 12:  I worked from home the past two days.  I also sprained my right foot real bad over the weekend and am staying off of it as much as possible as it “huuurts” to walk on it.  As far as eating and the 30 day challenge is concerned, the “sprain” is a gift, as I don’t want to exert any extra energy than I have to.  So no “grazing” into the kitchen when I am bored or avoiding the next “to do”.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Day 14:  During the day I did okay, but this evening I wanted to eat anything and everything.  While vegging out on TV (I should have written in this blog earlier)  I ended up making unconscious food choices in the evening.  I chowed down on shoestring potato chips (not on plan)… alittle piglet with 1/2 pint of coconut ice cream (on the plan as an “exception”)   I was in automatic…….had the thought and then “just did it”.  No thoughts in mind asked…..are you hungry?  is this the healthiest for you?  what are you really craving for?  NONE of that……just the thought “this is what I want and I am going to do it.”  I later realized what day it is… number fourteen, a milestone for me.  I have been “GREAT” for fourteen days……this day, may have been the unconscious, habitual, sabitor coming out.  I have known myself to do this to myself in the past.  (Sadly, many times…….)  There is a part in me that wants to sabitoge the accomplishment of completing fourteen days following the 30 challenge protocal.  Crazy isn’t it?  Can anyone else relate?    Somebody is calling out for love…….

Friday, August 16, 2019

Day 15:  Throughout this month and this process, I have come up with intentions to help me through the day, to remind me of the higher consciousness at work through me and beyond me.  The intention I speak is asking of Divinity, the Divine that I am to allow the “good” through me to come forth.  The highest and best version of myself, AND I am doing this NOT just for me, but for all human beings.  I am doing this not just for me, but for the well-being of ALL humanity.  Isn’t that “sweet”….health (or any intention) is not just about me…..its for all.  If I can do this… can you…….

Some of my fav intentions:

May I take exquisite care of myself for the well-being of all

May I choose tubers, cruciferous vegetables and all other healthy                food choices today and always, for the health and well-being of all

May I cultivate the confidence to make healthy choices that are                    needed to be at optimum health for the good of all beings.

May I cultivate the desire to “want” and then choose to be healthy                for the well-being of all humanity.

May the body’s innate healing intelligence and knowledge spring                  forth in me, in service to all humanity.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Day 17:  The month is moving along swiftly and so has the weekend.  All seems to have gone okay this weekend.  All is well with staying true to the 30 day challenge.  Still “hopping” along (sprained foot)…..and not much energy or inspiration for much action.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Day 19: I do have to admit I have had many thoughts of what I am going to eat when I hit the “30 days” and I am “done” with the challenge.  They all seem to be in the realm of satisfing a sugar habit…….I have thought about the wonderful chocolate chunk brownie from Barneby’s or a Texas size creme puff from House of Pies or a glazed buttermilk donut from Yummy Donut.  (they are “yummy”!)  This is crazy……..I am happy to say I have done none of these so far during the 30 days challenge.  (that actually is somewhat amazing, because, in my past, I have known myself to have a thought about food and just act on it.  Whether I have committed myself to a 30 day type of challenge, or a colon cleanse or other detoxing cleanse)  In this kind of situation, I have not really known myself to be “true” to myself and my word to myself.  What I say about myself, is that I am consistently, inconsistent when it comes to challenges like this.  In the past, I have known myself to be a “fudger”.  But the “fudger” may be taking on a new title……like “let me support you in being true to you and your word to yourself”  The “fudger” has now become “supporter” of all that is good and healthy for my physical body.    Thank you “fudger” for all the ways you have helped me to get to this point.  I couldn’t be at this point without you.  And now, the time has come to have all parts support life, health & vitality

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Day 21:  I notice as I was driving home from work today that I was really, really tired.  A fatigue kind of tired.  I have felt it each day this week and a couple days last week.  If I was eating white flour/sugar products I would blame it on them, but I am not. Eating “clean” as I am, I was hoping at the end of the day I would still feel a spurt of energy, when I got home ready to work on an evening project, instead of just relax and take it easy.

The tired feeling has happened on days when all I have had are smoothies and vegetables as well as days when I eaten cassiva flour based pizza crust with veggies.  Not sure what is the culprit.  For now, I am going make an assumption that it is the body ridding itself of some toxins.  (maybe heavy metals……..)

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Day 23:  I am on the downward motion toward making it the 30 days.  Trusting I can do it.  It’s the weekend and I made it through late night TV watching Friday night without any problems.  I trust the same will happen tonight.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Day 27:  I talked to my sister, who is also doing the 30 day challenge.  She is energized to continue making healthy food choices past the 30 days.  I, surprisingly feel the same way.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Day 30:  I made it!  Whoo Hoo!!!!!  I have completed the 30 day challenge!!!!  In general, the month seemed smooth sailing, the days and weeks went by quickly with little to no resistance to the challenge.  (a “win” right there!)  Happy and delighted to say that I did not buy any chips in the thirty days.  (my slip was the shoestring potato chips already in the house)


  1. I’m looking into the Whole30 Program . . . you are an inspiration . . . whatever it takes to have good energy and find joy in life . . .

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