A Little Bit About Me

I was born and raised in Nebraska where I graduated from Kearney State College with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. While I enjoyed my studies and the friends I had, there was a yearning inside to be happier. I started to wonder about the meaning of ‘happiness’ and this inquiry led me to a transformational journey of self-discovery as I explored the depths of my own being and what happiness could look like. Every emotion we have is a functional part of our being and through my personal discomfort I was led on a path of self-discovery that subtly, over time, changed my life. Sheer joy and happiness are attainable to all of us, you just have to know how to unlock that door within. I look at my past now as a precious gift of building blocks that has prepared me for this moment in time.

Going For Joy

Rather than pursue further formal training in psychology, I opted for a career path filled with a lot of variety.  At one point I worked part-time (for extra cash flow) as wait-staff for events, and found I loved it! During this chapter in my life, I made a decision to take only positions that I enjoyed, regardless of my monetary gain.

This conscious decision was a guiding energy that led me to a continued career in the hospitality industry, quickly attaining a banquet manager position, then as a Catering Director, event planner extraordinaire, and, eventually I started my own concierge business called Time Savers Unlimited. I loved the entrepreneurial energy, as it fit my personality, however, when I came across an opportunity as an Estate Manager, I knew it was a position that would fit in with my life very well, and one I could not pass up. I can happily, and honestly, say that since that conscious decision, I have transformed the idea of “work” place into a “joy-place” and have been riding that wave ever since.

Inner Evolution

In 2005 I graduated from the University of Santa Monica, with a Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology. I value this heart-based, experiential learning experience as it fits with my values of inner growth, discovery and integration. USM provided me with a tremendous array of spiritual tools and principles for living a purposeful, heart-centered life. This education, along with other spiritual classes, books and weekend courses and workshops like Women Within, Landmark Education, Project Heart, and Corelight Teacher’s Training, helped light my path in a direction that was both educational and transformational providing a firm foundation for Your Evolution Trainer.

Enduring Gifts

Although grateful for the education I received, my deepest and profound education came when life threw me a few curve balls. Like everyone, I experienced some bumps in the road, everything from heartbreak, to financial strains, to emotional compulsive eating, to feelings of depression, to body & weight issues and even a breast cancer diagnosis in 2016.

Each and every one of these situations has catapulted my spiritual evolution forward, some with more velocity than others. All of these events in my life have brought me to this perfect moment, where, through my own personal experiences, I am being a ‘way shower’ of sorts. I have gone before traversing the hills and valleys of life, learning and growing, evolving and integrating so that others won’t have to travel down the same, sometimes thorny, path.

Solidified My Place In The World

My passion is offering guidance to help those who are willing, to reach their life goals, over-come adversity, live with greater joy and experience authentic inner happiness. Through the knowledge I have gained, the introspective work I have accomplished and the willingness to embrace all of life’s offerings I have been prepared well. I am confident in guiding, coaching and being your greatest cheerleader as Your Personal Evolution Trainer so that you may live your life purposefully and to its fullest expression.