Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass.....
but learning to dance in the rain

 ~Author Unknown

it will be life affirming and fun!

 ~Vivian, Your Personal Evolution Trainer

One-On-One Coaching

All one on one coaching sessions are done via telephone.  Together, we will determine the issues that are of utmost importance to you and then focus on the most pressing areas of opportunity where you would like to experience change and transformation.

8 Session Package


8 – 50 minute one-on-one sessions

12 Session Package


12 – 50 minute one-on-one sessions

up-close pink flowersWhile I offer one, two & three coaching sessions, these are limited in how much can be achieved during that time frame. Eight or twelve session package is recommended to ensure sustained transformational growth and integration. Sessions can be taken weekly or bi-monthly intervals to suit your personal needs. In the beginning more sessions are beneficial, 3 to 4 per month, and after working together for 12 months or more, twice a month may be adequate. The length of time we work together will be of your choosing.


TAKE THE FIRST STEP……call or email to set-up a complementary discovery and exploration session via phone. It’s a way for you to get to know me and vice versa. Every coach and client are different, and one size does not fit all. Your exploration session is a way for you to gain clarity about what areas or issues you would like to focus on as well as an opportunity to answer any questions you may have. I look forward to finding out how I can support and be of service to you.

Be courageous and do it now!
You won’t be disappointed.
The part inside of you that yearns for “more” will “thank” you!


Click to set-up COMPLEMENTARY exploration session – 30 to 45 min.


My intent is to help you move forward and at the same time share, teach and offer
life supporting tools so you can thrive on your own, from anywhere, in any situation"

                     – Vivian, Your Personal Evolution Trainer

Joy Project

A one-on-one coaching program over a three month period. Foundational tools and techniques will be presented providing you with more joy and authentic inner fulfillment in your life.

Integration Collaboration

One-on-one emotional integration processing over a three month period.

Numerous integration tools will be utilized, the following are possible options: Breath Visualization, Frozen Child technique, Shifting Consciousness by facing polarities, Core Transformation, Opposites Work and more.

“The Energy Codes”


Dr. Sue is an amazing and enlightened being who put down on paper a practical, usable approach to living life as the Divine, Soulful beings that we are. The techniques she offers works with the subtle energy systems beyond the rational, analytical mind. You will learn integrative tools to bring more love and joy into your life every day.