
I have come to realize that I have a higher level of tolerance for fuzzballs than my husband does.  Come to find out, he likes clean and shiny floors. (even under the bed!)  The kind of floors I don’t do well with.  It is plain and simple, I don’t like housework.  I don’t like to vacuum.  I don’t like to dust.  I don’t like to wash windows.  This is true.  I do however, like laundry and I would much rather mow the lawn than dust, vacuum or mop.  ( :

My hubby said, “Well, sometimes you just have to do those things you really don’t like to do”.  While at times that adage may be true and needed, I have a different philosophy about the things that “I really don’t like to do”, also known as a “drudgery”.  I would much rather approach life from the state of  ease, leisure and joy.

I decided that the best course of action was to be in action.  So I googled housekeeping and found many options.  I made a couple phone calls and found one person in my price range who was available the following day. (How perfect is that!)   As a result, I delightedly spent July 4th having my house cleaned, which felt like a luxury instead of a grind.  It is the BEST $100 investment I made in myself in a long time.

Unknown to me, there was a surge of “joy” energy in not having to do the housecleaning task myself.  Amazingly, this energy led to the desire to do other things. I found myself wanting to organize the linen closet and other personal living spaces.   Being motivated in other areas was an added benefit I wasn’t expecting.  It was a “make me smile” kind of moment.

Here is the Evolution Trainer gem to take away from this story.  Notice things in your life that are drudgery or you don’t like to do.  It could be balancing your bank statement, learning online technology, or writing a resume.  Become aware of the things that are stopping you from moving forward and being on purpose.  Find an alternative way to accomplish the things you are resisting. Be in action.  Hire someone who loves doing your “dreaded” thing.  It may not always include money, as you could barter with someone their service.  The point is movement.  Be in action.  Move forward.

I am interested in your drudgery discoveries.  Let me know what happened and how you felt.   Leave your comments below.